Broadleaf Resources

Our Impact Partner

Darjeeling PRERNA is our local operating partner in Darjeeling. They are an NGO founded in 1993 working on issues of rural development and equity in the Darjeeling District. They have been instrumental in helping Broadleaf establish, implement and run our programs. 

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Our Partner Community


For press please contact, We've been features by the following organizations: 

American Academy of Pediatrics

 Lay Field-worker–Led School Health Program for Primary Schools in Low- and Middle-Income Countries

School health programs are frequently attempted in low- and/or middle-income countries; however, programmatic scope and reach is limited by human resource constraints. We sought to determine if trained community members could implement a school health program that improved outcomes in rural primary schools in India.

News India Times

 Starfish Stories: From AmeriCorps to AIF

On the Ground in India: Perspectives from American India Foundation’s Clinton Fellows

AIF | American Indian Foundation

 Improving School Health Delivery in Resource Constrained Settings

Michael Matergia MD, a 2011-12 AIF Fellow continues his engagement with India through a health-driven innovative program in education. A paper on the findings of a study was recently published in Paediatrics. The AIF Clinton Fellowship network represent a strong collective force driving social change in India.

Our Corporate Supporters

Broadleaf thanks the following corporations for their support!

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