Research That Powers Innovation and Solutions
Generating clear evidence to drive impactful innovations and prove that better health and education are possible.

Broadleaf conducts quantitative research to pioneer new innovations at the intersection of health and education. We are committed to rigorous evaluation of our work and data driven improvement. Leveraging a transdisciplinary approach, we use ethnography to promote highly-contextualized interventions and implementation science to learn how our innovations may be adapted and scaled in other communities
Decolonizing Global Health Research
With unambiguous evidence of feasibility, acceptability, and impact others will gravitate towards this work.
Obtaining a strong evidence base is core to our interventions and crucial to our ability to mobilize support, engage public and private sector partners, and pursue implementation at scale.
Decolonizing Global Health Research through Authentic Relationships & Sustained Community Impact. Far too often, global health research serves individual careers based in high-income countries with disadvantaged communities burdened with remnants of initiatives that struggle to endure after research funding ceases.
Decolonizing Global Health Research through Authentic Relationships & Sustained Community Impact
Global health research often prioritizes careers in high-income countries, leaving disadvantaged communities with short-lived initiatives post-funding. Broadleaf aims decolonize global health through genuine relationships and lasting impact. Since 2011, we’ve partnered with Darjeeling Prerna to build expertise and research capacity, ensuring communities actively shape our research and that our programs endure beyond project completion.
Research Studies
At Broadleaf & DLR Prerna, we rigorously study our innovations, measuring their impact while delving deep into the interaction between interventions and context. Our transdisciplinary approach yields valuable insights beneficial to stakeholders in Darjeeling and the broader global community.

Ongoing and Upcoming Studies
Climate Change & Mental Health
A formative ethnographic evaluation of the impact of climate change on mental health in the Darjeeling Himalaya. Our long-term aim is to promote community capacity and resilience in the face of the intersectional threat of climate change, environmental stressors and mental health.
A 6-school pilot study of teacher-delivered mental healthcare for adolescents in Darjeeling.
A feasibility pilot of the adaptation of Tealeaf for elementary schools in Manila, Philippines.
Tealeaf- North Carolina
A new study to assess the adaptation of Tealeaf for use in rural North Carolina middle schools.
Parent Engagement
Developing and testing an intervention package to engage caregivers in their child's mental healthcare.