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Who is Darjeeling Prerna?

Darjeeling PRERNA is our local operating partner in Darjeeling. They are an NGO founded in 1993 working on issues of rural development and equity in the Darjeeling District. They have been instrumental in helping Broadleaf establish, implement and run our programs.

Darjeeling Prerna is an Indian NGO (nonprofit) that has been working on issues of environmental sustainability and equity since 1993. Firmly grounded in communities, they work in partnership with local, national and international organizations to promote and facilitate community action and participation in the sustainable development of the Darjeeling Himalaya. Their community interventions are linked with policy reflection, research and advocacy on a range of mountain issues. Recognising the diversity of communities across the Himalaya and the need for an integrated approach to development that is responsive to community needs, Darjeeling Prerna works on a wide variety of issues, including Community Health and Education, Water and Sanitation, Sustainable Agro-Ecology and Climate Smart Agriculture, FairTrade, Development and Environment Education, and Sustainable Waste Solutions. Their practice is rooted in respect for the skills, knowledge and power that exist within communities. This respect, combined with technical skills and a commitment to practice-based research ensures interventions of the highest standards on a wide range of projects. They also provide consultancy services on Participatory Planning Processes, Institution Building, Community Education, Organic Inspection, FairTrade Certification, Nonprofit Registration and Compliance A founding member of the local nonprofit Network, they also represent the Darjeeling Himalaya at a number of national and international platforms and policy groups, including the Integrated Mountain Initiative (IMI), Zero Waste Himalaya, Permaculture India and Slow Food International. Darjeeling PRERNA has been Broadleaf's local operating partner since the beginning and has been critical to our success in the region in terms of establishing, implementing, and running our programs.


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