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Expanding CHHIP with Vahdam Partnership

As part of the partnership with Vahdam, we have also supported our existing and new communities in safely reopening schools during COVID.

A few weeks ago we announced our exciting new partnership with Vahdam India. Vahdam is an international tea company driven by a social mission to impact the communities from which they source their tea. Aside from Vahdam offering high quality teas, they are also supporting the expansion of our Comprehensive Health and Hygiene Improvement Program, CHHIP. This year, with Vahdam’s support, CHHIP has been expanded into 6 new schools located on 3 tea estates. 620 new CHHIP students will work with 2 new School Health Activists, SHAs, to develop as agents of change within their communities! So far this year, our SHAs have already distributed deworming treatment to more than 360 children in our new partner communities. And, as more students return to school, that number will continue to increase! As part of the partnership with Vahdam, we have also supported our existing and new communities in safely reopening schools during COVID with more than 10 workshops and trainings. Our team has also hosted a variety of community awareness events to support schools, families, and children to make decisions with accurate and timely information related to COVID in the Darjeeling region. In the future, Vahdam expects to expand school health to more tea communities in the Darjeeling region with additional investments in children’s educational outcomes. Ultimately, together Vahdam, Broadleaf, and DLR Prerna will work together to transform health and education to create opportunities for every child to thrive. Learn more about Vahdam India or consider trying some of their delicious teas. Our personal favorite is the Turmeric Spiced!



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