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kids brushing their teeth
Classroom in rural Darjeeling with students in the background and teacher in the foreground

Your Donations Create Lasting Impact

High Impact Investing

Broadleaf's initiatives are fundamentally community-driven, data-informed, and cost-efficient. Our mission is to keep overhead low by relying on a dedicated volunteer-based leadership team in the U.S., which allows us to allocate more resources directly to the communities we serve. By leveraging local talent that is passionate about making a difference, we can effectively address the unique needs and challenges faced by these communities. Ultimately, our goal is to empower individuals and create lasting positive change in the lives of those we support.

Every Dollar Stretched for Maximum Impact

Thank you for considering a charitable gift to Broadleaf. We believe we have a moral obligation to maximize every dollar invested in our organization.

Broadleaf is a scrappy organization which means that every dollar donated will be stretched to have a maximum impact on our operations and a direct impact on our communities.

Image by Clicker Babu

Ready to donate?

First, thank you for your generosity, donations fund our existing programs and ensure that we will be able to continue our mission of providing access to healthcare and quality education to children in our communities. Below are three ways to give to Broadleaf, all donations are tax deductable.


Option One:

Online Secure Donations via Strip 

Select the button above or click here to make an immediate and secure online donation.


Option Two:


Checks can be made payable to Broadleaf Health and Education Alliance and mailed to:
1312 17th Street Unit #2789
Denver, CO 80202


Option Three:

PayPal or Venmo

Donate via PayPal - Broadleaf
Donate via Venmo - Broadleaf

Broadleaf Blend

We've partnered with our friends and supports at Smith Teas on a special tea blend from the Darjeeling Region. $10 from every box sold is donated directly to Broadleaf. 

Stay Connected and Make an Impact

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